Meaning of Fascism:

The meaning of fascist is given through the concept and the practice of a social structure that opposes individual rights and freedoms and is totalitarian. The foundation of the fascist social structure is a society that upholds the idea of an authoritarian and collectivist form of rule over the people. People must understand this when they come across it in a newspaper or a television program and know what it really is.

A social structure that is actually structured by all of the people in power who are in the roles of an expert and a functionary. The expert understands things from a specific place and know what to do. The functionary serves as the actual mechanism that implements the actions of the expert by executing it in the prescribed way and at the right time.

This is not the greatest place to live in, but the most fortunate among the people who are living there in such situation are the ones who are intelligent enough to come up with the solution of escape from this lethal trap. This was the meaning of fascism meaning in urdu in the political sphere, but what is the meaning of fascist in the private sector? Fascism can also be understood in its modern day form through the following examples. You can become a fascist employer or a fascist boss.

A fascist employer is someone who enjoys the privileges and advantages of being a boss and does not really have to earn from his employees. He enjoys the benefits and the comfort that he gets from the very fact that he is doing a great job on the behalf of his employers only. He may not be one of the leaders of his own business, but he still considers himself as part of the administration and thus thinks of himself as the leader of the organization.

A fascist boss is someone who views himself as superior to his subordinates. He thinks that he is superior to the subordinates by virtue of his position in the company hierarchy. He feels that he should get the respect from his subordinates because he is the head of the group and because he deserves that from them.

Fascism has become the guiding ideology of many world leaders and dictators of today. The meaning of fascist is the underlying notion of a dictator. This is why the term dictator is used in many places when referring to a dictator.

Rulers that came after the kings and the emperors, those who ruled from the time when they were referred to as "the elite" did actually put into practice the ideology of fascism and it became the basis of their rule. From time to time, however, they are free from it. Only in rare occasions can they make use of such totalitarian regime.

To make this short, the meaning of dictator and ruler is really different. A ruler does have a better definition and a more accurate meaning. But the fact remains that a dictator is someone who rules as a dictator and not as a ruler.


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