Meditating in English With Chakkar Aana in English 2020:

Chakkar Aana in English is a Sanskrit word meaning "the Warrior of the Guru." The Chakkara or warrior who imitates the attributes of the God Brahma. In an ancient Indian system of purification, the Chakkara meditates upon his ultimate goal of self-realization. In fact, the Indian's health practitioner also meditates to attain a meditative state known as Sukshma Samadhi which is similar to the state of one-pointed concentration.

Even though the word "Chakkar" is often translated as "meditation" it means more than that. It is an intense, deep-seated state of meditation practiced by the Kundalini Yogis who often ascends into a full-blown state of consciousness while sleeping. As a result, the Kundalini Yoga becomes a necessary component for achieving the Chakkar aana meaning in english state of being. Some yogis prefer to do the practice in their sleep with either the application of strong mental focus or with the aid of an additional spiritual instrument, such as the mantra.

All forms of meditation must take place in a quiet, comfortable, and peaceful atmosphere. When we meditate in a noisy, dirty environment we can easily experience distractions. We can lose our concentration because we have to continually struggle with the noise. The problem with the noise is that the brain eventually gets accustomed to it. It is very difficult to train the brain to ignore the noise.

Meditation can also be confused with listening to music. While most music relaxes us, it does not aid in our focus. Some non-musical forms of meditation, such as Shavasana, a chair pose, require focus and concentration to do effectively. However, these types of meditation only create a calming effect. They do not enhance the meditative process.

The Tibetan word for meditation is Gyaosha, which means sound mind. A sound mind is an entire mind of sound. It's not noise. So it's good to listen to Tibetan music in addition to your own meditations. At the same time, you should not allow yourself to get so wrapped up in the music that you forget your meditation.

One way to begin to be in good shape and ready to meditate is to speak the words out loud to yourself or to others. This is important. You want to be able to connect with the proper energies or energy centers. Those are the ones that vibrate at different frequencies.

After you have pronounced the words out loud, ask for assistance, either from a Guru, a teacher, or other spiritual advisors. Instruct them what to do. Never force yourself. There are times when we can choose to let something happen, even though it does not occur naturally.

Also, there are times when we may feel like we have reached a plateau in your Chakkar practice. A plateau is not a permanent state. So as you continue to meditate, you may feel like there is a plateau again. If you are able to stay focused on your breath, then you have achieved your final stage of the Chakkara process.


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